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Woodmart Website Design

Woodmart Website Design

WoodMart's website is being redesigned by the talented team of UI UX designers at UIDesignz. The layout is simple yet attractive and easy to understand and work with, allowing users to explore products effortlessly. The website design showcases the charm of each item. UIDesignz has designed a virtual space where the beauty of the product is narrated through thoughtful and visually pleasing design elements. 

Woodmart Website Design Main Image


Cece Darragh


Website Redesign


20 Days

Team Setup

1 Researcher + 2 Designer


The primary goal of the woodmart website redesign was to elevate the overall user experience. This involved implementing a more intuitive and user-friendly design, prioritising ease of navigation to ensure that visitors find products effortlessly. It aimed to modernise the visual appeal of the website, aligning it with contemporary design trends for a more attractive and aesthetically pleasing online shopping environment. Additionally, an important objective was to optimise the website for mobile responsiveness, acknowledging the increasing number of users accessing the platform through smartphones and tablets.


  1. Making both new and old customers happy was a bit hard. We had to make sure everyone, whether they knew the website well or not, could use it easily. It meant we had to be careful with how things are arranged and shown on the website.
  2. Effectively showcasing products to a diverse audience. The redesign needed to find a balance between highlighting popular products for existing customers and introducing new items to potential customers.
  3. Addressing the challenge of navigation for returning customers seeking familiar products without overwhelming new users was important. Simplifying the navigation structure to accommodate both groups was a delicate balancing act.
  4. Making the website work well on phones and tablets was really important because more and more people use them. It was a big challenge to make sure everyone has a good and enjoyable time on the website no matter what device they're using.
  5. Making the website load faster was a bit tricky. We had to make it work really well without losing any of the cool pictures and stuff on the site. It took careful planning and fixing things to make everything run smoothly and look great at the same time.


  1. We made the website easier for everyone to use, whether they are new or have been using it for a while. We paid attention to how things are arranged and shown on the website so that it's simple for everyone.
  2. To show products to different kinds of people, we changed how the website looks. We found a good mix between showing favourite products to those who know the website and introducing new things to people who are just starting to use it.
  3. We made it easier for people who know the website to find familiar products without confusing new users. The way you move around the website was made simpler for both groups of people.
  4. Since more people use phones and tablets, we made sure the website works well on those devices. This way, everyone can have a good time on the website, no matter if they are using a computer, phone, or tablet.
  5. We worked on making the website load faster without losing any of the cool pictures and stuff. It took careful planning and fixing things to make everything run smoothly and look great at the same time. Now, you can enjoy the website without waiting too long.
Product Collection Page Design
All Products Page Design
Woodmart Logo Design

Design Process

The process of redesigning the Woodmart website by UIDesignz involved understanding what people needed from the site. Our UI UX design agency focused on making the website look both attractive and easy to use by changing its appearance and organizing content sensibly. We researched user behavior and demand first. Then we implemented step by step our findings to make sure of the required results.

The goal was to narrate the story of each product through engaging pictures and designs. Recognizing the growing use of phones and tablets, we ensured the website worked smoothly on these devices. Additionally, we addressed the need for a faster website experience, working diligently to reduce loading times. The outcome is a website that is not only visually appealing but also user-friendly, offering an enjoyable experience for everyone, regardless of the device they use.

Rules Page Design
Brand Shopping Page Design


UI UX designers of UIDesignz successfully transformed Woodmart's website, creating a simple and attractive space where users can easily explore and enjoy products. The redesign prioritized user satisfaction, incorporating intuitive navigation, modern visuals, and mobile responsiveness. The outcome is a website that invites all users, whether on a computer, phone, or tablet, to have a delightful and efficient browsing experience.

+ 85 %

Self-Service Score Increased

- 40 %

Support Team Load-Reduced

“ I'm really happy with how UIDesignz transformed our woodmart website. The talented team made it easy for everyone to check out and enjoy our products. The new website look is simple, pretty, and easy to understand, making it great for both new and returning customers. They showed off each product nicely and fixed challenges, like making it work well on phones. Now, our website is faster and easier for everyone to enjoy. Big cheers to UIDesignz for doing a great job.”

Cece Darragh


Awards & Achievements

We’re proud of our achievements, and the remarkable results we create for our clients.

Uidesignz the webby award
Best UI UX Design
Firm 2023
Best ui design agency
Top Design Agency
Firm 2024
Uidesignz googlepartner award
Google Partner
Premier 2023
Uidesignz top website designer award
Top Website
Uidesignz expertise award
Best UI UX Design
Agency 2023
Uidesignz goodfirm award
Top App Design
Agency in USA
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