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Clear Health Landing Page Design

Clear Health Landing Page Design

UIDesignz partnered with Clear Health Psychology Center to create a dedicated health landing page design that provides comprehensive medical services and healthcare solutions. This collaboration aimed to assist individuals confronting various challenges and seeking positive transformations in their lives. Emphasizing clear design and user-friendliness, the website ensures effortless navigation and convenient access to health information. 

Clear Health Page Design Main Image


Luke Hawkins


Landing Page Design


20 Days

Team Setup

1 Researcher + 3 Designer


At clear health, our aim was to offer accessible mental health support through a user-friendly website for people having different backgrounds. We strived to provide clear information on mental health services, ensuring ease of understanding for everyone. Our objective was to create a platform that met diverse needs, making it straightforward for users to find relevant information. We were dedicated to offering a welcoming and supportive online space for those seeking guidance and assistance.


  1. Figuring out exactly what different people want when they visit a health website can be really hard. UI UX Designers had to find out what the common man likes about similar sites and what they don’t, so they can make this one better.
  2. They had to think about how different kinds of people might use the site and plan it so it works well for each of them. It was like making different plans for different people.
  3. Choosing what information to put on the website without confusing anyone was tricky. They had to pick the most important stuff about health services and make sure it was easy to find.
  4. Making separate screens for different problems like trauma, anxiety, or relationship issues was a challenge. Each part needed to look and work differently but still be part of the same website.
  5. Making sure the website works well on phones and tablets was a big job. They had to make sure the design looked good and was easy to use on all kinds of devices so everyone could get help no matter what they were using to access the site.


  1. Our UI UX researchers talked to lots of different people to understand what they wanted. By asking questions and paying attention to what people liked or didn’t like on other websites, they could make this one better.
  2. They organised the website so anyone could use it easily. They thought about different kinds of people and made sure the website worked well for everyone, like having different plans for different friends.
  3. They picked out the most important stuff about health services and made it easy to find. It was like putting the most exciting things at the top of a list so everyone could see them easily.
  4. They made separate places on the website for different problems, like stress or relationship issues. Each part looked different but was still part of the same website.
  5. They designed the website to look good and work well on phones and tablets. This way, no matter if someone used a big computer or a small phone, they could easily find help on the website.
Services Page Design
Individual Counselling Page Design
Clear Health Logo Page Design

UI UX Design Process

Once our UI UX design agency collected information from their market research, they wanted to learn more from regular people. They did this by asking people questions online, like what they like in mental health websites and how they use them. This helped them understand what people prefer and how they want to use these websites and apps.

After that, designers made imaginary profiles of different kinds of users, called user personas. This helped them plan out how the website should work for different people. Then designers made step-by-step plans, called workflows, based on these profiles. This made sure the website would be clear and user-friendly.

Psychological Support Page Design
Services in Perth Page Design


Creating a helpful health website design for everyone during tough times wasn’t easy, but our team listened, learned, and designed with care. We talked to people, planned for different needs, and made finding information easy. By focusing on what people wanted and making it work on all devices, we aimed to support everyone’s mental health. Our goal was a website that’s simple, friendly, and there for anyone needing support.

+ 58 %

Increased Efficiency

- 30 %

Reduced Workload

“The website created by UIDesignz and Clear Health Psychology Center is amazing. The designers really listened to what people needed and made sure the website worked for everyone. It's like a friendly guide to finding help for mental health, and it's available whenever anyone needs support. Great job by the team.”

Luke Hawkins

Managing Director/Owner at Clear Health Psychology

Awards & Achievements

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Uidesignz the webby award
Best UI UX Design
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Best ui design agency
Top Design Agency
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Uidesignz googlepartner award
Google Partner
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Uidesignz top website designer award
Top Website
Uidesignz expertise award
Best UI UX Design
Agency 2023
Uidesignz goodfirm award
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