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Top Design System Guides For 2024

Top Design System Guides For 2024

Written by UIDesignz Nov 4, 2022 6 min read

Last updated: Oct 5 2023

Top Design System Guides For 2024

Design system is a structured approach to creating and maintaining design consistency that has become essential for modern digital products. As we step into 2024, it's crucial to be aware of the latest design trends and best practices in the world of design systems. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the key principles and resources that will shape design systems in 2024.

Before delving into the specifics of design systems in 2024, let's establish a solid foundation by understanding:

What should be included in a design system?

A comprehensive design system encompasses a wide range of elements to ensure consistency and efficiency in the design and development of digital products. Here's a breakdown of what should typically be included in a design system:

Design Principles

Begin with a set of overarching design thinking principles that guide decision-making throughout the design system. These principles should reflect the core values and goals of your organization's design approach.


Specify typography, font sizes, line heights, and font weights to create a consistent and visually appealing text hierarchy. Include guidelines for headings, body text, and other typographic elements.

Color Palette

Define a color palette that includes primary and secondary colors, as well as any additional colors for use in specific contexts. Provide color codes for easy reference.


Create a library of reusable UI components, such as buttons, forms, navigation bars, cards, and modals. Include detailed specifications for each component, including dimensions, behavior, and interactions.

Icons and Illustrations

Provide a set of icons and illustrations that can be used consistently across the product. Include guidelines for sizing, color variations, and usage scenarios.

Consistency, usability, and accessibility should be at the core of your design system, enabling teams to create better digital products efficiently and cohesively.

Now that we've covered the fundamentals, let's explore the top design trends and resources that will shape design systems in 2024.

What should be included in a design system

Top Trends in Design Systems for 2024

Design systems, the structured frameworks governing the visual and functional elements of digital products, are evolving rapidly to keep pace with emerging technologies and user expectations. In this era of digital innovation, several prominent trends are shaping the landscape of design systems, each promising to revolutionize how we create and maintain user interfaces. From the rise of design tokens to the growing emphasis on accessibility and the increased versatility of component libraries, let's delve into the top trends that will define design systems in 2024:

Design Tokens

Design tokens are essential in design systems. They help make design choices reusable on different platforms, like websites and mobile apps. In 2024, design tokens will become even more important because they make it easier to keep a consistent design across all platforms, including new technologies like AR and VR.


Accessibility has always been a vital aspect of design, but its importance is growing even further. In 2024, design systems will put a strong emphasis on creating inclusive and accessible user experiences. This includes considerations for keyboard navigation, screen readers, and ensuring content is perceivable and understandable by everyone.

Component Libraries

Reusable components are at the heart of design systems. In 2024, component libraries and UI kits will become even more powerful and versatile. They will include not only basic UI elements but also more complex components, such as charts, maps, and data visualization tools, making it easier for UX/UI designers and developers to create rich and interactive experiences.


DesignOps, the practice of streamlining design processes and collaboration, will play a significant role in design systems in 2024. Teams will increasingly adopt DesignOps methodologies to improve efficiency, communication, and consistency in design system development.

Design Systems

As AI technology advances, design systems will need to adapt to new interfaces and platforms. In 2024, expect to see design systems tailored for emerging technologies like voice interfaces, augmented reality (AR), and virtual reality (VR). These systems will require innovative solutions to address unique design challenges.

By embracing these trends, you can create digital user experiences that are not only functional but also forward-looking and inclusive, setting the stage for a promising and user-friendly digital future.

Top Trends in Design Systems for 2024

Key Resources for Navigating Design Systems

To stay ahead in the world of design systems, it's crucial to rely on trusted resources. Here are some top guides and references that will be invaluable in 2024:

Design Systems Handbook by InVision

The "Design Systems Handbook" by InVision is a comprehensive guide that covers everything from the basics of design systems to advanced topics like design tokens and accessibility. It's an excellent resource for both beginners and experienced designers.

Smashing Magazine's Design Systems: A Practical Guide

It provides actionable tips and real-world examples for building and maintaining design systems. It addresses practical challenges like stakeholder buy-in and documentation strategies.

Atomic Design by Brad Frost

"Atomic Design" by Brad Frost remains a cornerstone in the design system community. This book breaks down complex user interfaces into smaller, reusable components, making it an ideal resource for responsive web design and mobile app development.

Inclusive Design Systems by Heydon Pickering

Heydon Pickering's "Inclusive Design Systems" is essential for creating design systems that prioritize accessibility and inclusivity. It covers everything from designing accessible components to addressing color contrast and screen reader compatibility.

Design Tokens in Action by Nathan Curtis

Nathan Curtis' "Design Tokens in Action" provides hands-on examples and case studies for implementing design tokens in real-world projects. It's a valuable resource for design system practitioners looking to enhance their skills.

Key Resources for Navigating Design Systems


In conclusion, as we move forward into 2024, the significance of design systems in the digital realm cannot be neglected. These structured approaches to maintaining design consistency have become the bedrock of modern digital products, ensuring not only visual uniformity but also efficiency in development and improved user experiences. In 2024, several compelling trends are reshaping the design system landscape. As you embark on your journey through the ever-evolving world of design systems, remember the importance of embracing these trends and resources. They are not just trends; they are the guiding lights that will keep your design systems relevant, innovative, and user-centric in an ever-transforming digital landscape. By staying updated and adopting these trends and resources, you will set the stage for a promising and user-friendly digital future.

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