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8 Useful Tips for Designing Mobile App Design

8 Useful Tips for Designing Mobile App Design

Written by UIDesignz Sep 12, 2023 12 min read

Last updated: Jan 3 2024

8 Useful Tips for Designing Mobile App Design

In the fast-paced world of mobile app development, staying ahead of the curve with user-friendly and visually appealing mobile app design is crucial. Mobile app design is not just about aesthetics; it plays a pivotal role in enhancing user experience, engagement, and overall success of your app. Whether you're a seasoned designer or a beginner, these Mobile app design tips will help you create mobile app designs that stand out in the crowd. But before getting in depth of these tips, let's get ourselves a bit familiar with Mobile App Design System.

What is Mobile App Design System?

A mobile app design system, often simply referred to as a mobile app designdesign system, is a comprehensive set of guidelines, components, and assets that are created and maintained to ensure consistency and cohesion in the design and user interface of a mobile application. It serves as a central reference point for designers, developers, and other stakeholders working on the app to ensure that the visual and interactive elements align with the app's branding, user experience goals, and usability standards.

Visual Guidelines

This includes the color palette, typography choices, iconography, and visual styles that define the app's look and feel. Design systems specify the exact colors, fonts, and styles to use, ensuring a consistent visual identity.

UI Components

Design systems provide a library of pre-designed user interface components such as buttons, forms, navigation bars, cards, and more. These components are often presented as reusable templates or code snippets, making it easier for designers and developers to maintain consistency across the app.

Layout and Grid Systems

They establish rules for how elements should be positioned, aligned, and spaced on the screen. Grid systems ensure that UI elements are consistently arranged and proportional, enhancing overall aesthetics.

Design Assets

Design systems often include downloadable design assets such as icon sets, UI element templates, and design templates for popular design tools like Sketch, Figma, or Adobe XD. These assets speed up the design process and maintain consistency.

Version Control

Design systems are dynamic and evolve over time. Version control mechanisms are often put in place to track changes, updates, and revisions to the design system components and guidelines.

Tips for Mobile App Design

Let’s move our attention to the 8 useful Tips for Designing Mobile App Design.

1. Prioritize User Experience

User experience should be at the forefront of your mobile app design process. Start by understanding your target audience and their needs. Conduct user research to gather insights into their preferences and pain points. Create user personas and wireframes to outline the user journey. A well-thought-out UX design ensures that your app is intuitive and user-friendly. Prioritizing user experience (UX) is a fundamental and invaluable tip when designing mobile apps. Here are some key benefits of making UX a top priority in your mobile app design:

Enhanced User Satisfaction

When you prioritize user experience, you create apps that are easy to use and navigate. This leads to higher user satisfaction, as users can achieve their goals within the app with minimal frustration.

Improved Retention Rates

A positive user experience encourages users to return to your app. When users find an app enjoyable and user-friendly, they are more likely to become loyal users and recommend it to others.

Reduced Bounce Rates

Apps with poor UX often suffer from high bounce rates, where users quickly abandon the app after a few interactions. Prioritizing UX helps keep users engaged and reduces bounce rates.

Positive Brand Image

A mobile app with an excellent user experience reflects positively on your brand. Users associate user-friendly apps with professionalism and trustworthiness, which can enhance your brand's reputation.

Long-Term Success

Apps that prioritize UX are more likely to enjoy long-term success in the market. A satisfied user base and positive reviews can lead to sustained growth and profitability.

Prioritize User Experience

2. Master Typography

Typography plays a significant role in mobile app design. Choose fonts that are legible on small screens and maintain consistency throughout your app. Pay attention to font size, spacing, and hierarchy to make content easily scannable. Remember that mobile users often skim rather than read, so make sure your typography guides them effectively. Mastering typography is a critical aspect of mobile app design, and it offers several significant benefits when applied effectively:

Improved Readability

Typography sets the tone for content presentation. When typography is mastered, text becomes highly legible, making it easier for users to read and comprehend the content within the app. This leads to a more pleasant user experience.

Enhanced User Engagement

Well-chosen fonts and typography styles can make text content more visually appealing and engaging. Engaged users are more likely to spend time exploring your app and its content.

Branding Consistency

Typography is a key element of your app's visual identity. Consistency in typography reinforces your brand image and makes your app instantly recognizable to users, helping to establish brand trust and credibility.

Aesthetic Appeal

Typography can significantly contribute to the overall aesthetic appeal of your app. By selecting fonts that align with your app's style and purpose, you can create a visually pleasing and cohesive design.

Brand Differentiation

Unique typography choices can set your app apart from competitors. It's an opportunity to express your brand's personality and create a distinctive look that makes your app memorable.

3. Embrace Responsive Design

With the excess of devices and screen sizes in the mobile landscape, responsive design is a must. Ensure your mobile app design adapts seamlessly to various screen sizes and orientations. Test your app on different devices to guarantee a consistent experience for all users. Embracing responsive design is a crucial tip when designing mobile apps, and it offers numerous benefits that enhance the overall user experience and the app's success:

Cross-Device Compatibility

Responsive design ensures that your app looks and functions well on a variety of devices, including smartphones, tablets, and different screen sizes, reducing the risk of user frustration and abandonment.


Building separate apps or designs for different devices can be costly and time-consuming.Responsive design allows you to create a single app that adapts to various screen sizes, reducing development and maintenance expenses.

SEO Benefits

Google and other search engines favor responsive designs for mobile-friendliness. A mobile-friendly app can improve your app's search engine rankings and visibility, leading to increased organic traffic and downloads.

Faster Load Times

Responsive design often involves optimizing images and content for different screen sizes. This optimization results in faster load times, a critical factor in retaining users who expect quick access to app content.

Consistent Branding

A responsive design ensures that your app's branding, visual elements, and content remain consistent across all devices, reinforcing your brand identity.

Embrace Responsive Design

4. Optimize For Battery Life

Mobile app design should consider battery optimization to prevent users from draining their device's battery while using your app. Minimize resource-intensive processes and background activities. Utilize efficient coding and optimize images to reduce energy consumption. Optimizing battery life is a crucial tip when designing mobile apps, as it directly impacts the usability and overall user experience of your application. Here are several key benefits of prioritizing battery optimization in your mobile app design:

Extended Device Usage

Apps that consume less battery power allow users to use their devices for more extended periods without needing to recharge. This results in increased user engagement and satisfaction.

Reduced User Frustration

Battery-draining apps are a common source of user frustration. By optimizing battery life, you minimize the likelihood of users uninstalling your app due to excessive power consumption.

Extended Device Lifespan

Apps that are less taxing on a device's battery contribute to the device's overall longevity. Users are less likely to experience premature battery degradation when using battery-optimized apps.

Cost Savings for Users

Users who don't have to charge their devices as frequently due to app-related battery drain save on electricity costs and reduce wear and tear on their device's battery.

5. Nail Interaction Design

Effective interaction design is about creating intuitive and delightful user interactions. Implement clear and intuitive navigation patterns, such as tab bars, buttons, and gestures. Micro-interactions like animations, transitions, and feedback enhance user engagement and create a memorable experience. Nailing interaction design is a crucial tip when designing mobile apps because it focuses on creating intuitive and engaging user interactions.

Here are several key benefits of prioritizing interaction design in your mobile app design.

Enhanced User Engagement

Well-designed interactions make your app more engaging and enjoyable to use, leading to increased user retention and satisfaction.

Intuitive Navigation

Users should be able to navigate your app effortlessly. Nailing interaction design ensures that the navigation flow is clear and intuitive, reducing user frustration.

Improved Learnability

Apps with intuitive interactions are easier for users to learn and master. This results in quicker onboarding for new users and a smoother experience for existing ones.

Positive First Impressions

A well-designed initial interaction, such as a smooth onboarding process or a visually pleasing splash screen, creates a positive first impression of your app.

Brand Trust

Smooth and intuitive interactions reflect positively on your brand, signaling professionalism and attention to detail.

Nail Interaction Design

6. Prioritize Accessibility

Accessibility is not an option; it's a requirement. Ensure your mobile app design is inclusive and accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. Follow WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) standards and incorporate features like text-to-speech, voice commands, and resizable text. Prioritizing accessibility in mobile UX design is not just a good practice; it's essential for creating inclusive, user-friendly apps.

Here are several key benefits of making accessibility a top priority in your mobile app design.

Inclusive User Experience

Accessibility ensures that your app is usable by a wider range of people, including those with disabilities. It promotes inclusivity and equal access to information and services.

Enhanced Brand Reputation

An app that is known for its accessibility efforts is seen as socially responsible and caring. This can enhance your brand's reputation and lead to positive word-of-mouth recommendations.

Improved User Retention

Users with disabilities who can use your app effectively are more likely to become long-term users. Prioritizing accessibility can lead to increased user retention rates.

Increased Market Share

Accessibility can give your app a competitive edge by tapping into an underserved market segment. This can lead to increased market share and growth.

Enhanced User Loyalty

When users with disabilities find an app that meets their accessibility needs, they are more likely to become loyal users and advocates for your app.

7. Follow Mobile App Guidelines

Every major platform (iOS, Android) has its set of design guidelines. Familiarize yourself with these guidelines and adhere to them to create a native feel for your app. Consistency in design elements and user interface patterns is key to building user trust and familiarity.


Guidelines provide a standardized set of design principles and patterns, ensuring that your app's user interface is consistent with other apps on the platform. Consistency enhances user familiarity and trust.

Native Look and Feel

Following guidelines helps your app achieve a native look and feel, making it blend seamlessly with the platform's ecosystem. Users are more likely to feel comfortable and confident when using an app that feels familiar.

User Trust

Apps that adhere to guidelines are seen as more trustworthy because users associate them with reliability, security, and quality. This trust can lead to increased app adoption.

Improved Usability

Guidelines often incorporate user-centric design principles, resulting in user-friendly interfaces and interactions. Users can quickly grasp how to navigate and use your app, reducing frustration.

Efficient Development

Guidelines provide a framework and predefined UI components, streamlining the development process. Developers can leverage these resources to save time and effort.

Mobile App Guidelines

8. Stay Updated With Trends

Mobile app design trends evolve rapidly. Stay updated with the latest design trends, but don't blindly follow them. Incorporate trends that align with your app's purpose and target audience. Trends from the past may have evolved, so keep an eye on current developments in the mobile app design landscape.Staying updated with design trends is a valuable tip for designing mobile apps because it allows you to create contemporary, user-friendly, and competitive designs.

Here are several key benefits of keeping up with design trends in mobile app design.

Enhanced User Experience

Trendy designs often incorporate user-centric features and aesthetics, leading to an improved overall user experience. Users are more likely to find trendy apps engaging and enjoyable to use.


Trendy apps are seen as up-to-date and relevant, which can attract more users and keep existing ones engaged. Users may prefer apps that align with current design trends over outdated alternatives.

Competitive Edge

Embracing design trends can give your app a competitive edge in a crowded market. Trendy apps tend to stand out and garner more attention from users and app stores.

Design Inspiration

Trends can serve as a source of inspiration for your design team, helping them explore new styles and techniques that can be applied to your app.

Innovation and Creativity

Design trends often push the boundaries of creativity and innovation. Keeping up with trends encourages your design team to think outside the box and experiment with new ideas.

Bonus Tip for Beginners

If you're new to mobile app design, consider taking online courses or tutorials to learn the basics. There are various design software tools available, such as Adobe XD, Sketch, and Figma, tailored for beginners. Additionally, explore mobile app design templates to kickstart your projects and gain inspiration from successful apps in the market.


In conclusion, mobile app design is a blend of creativity, user-centricity, and technical expertise. By prioritizing user experience, mastering typography, embracing responsive design, nailing interaction design, optimizing for battery life, ensuring accessibility, following guidelines, and staying updated with trends, you can create mobile apps that captivate and retain users. Whether you're a seasoned designer or a beginner, these tips will help you create mobile app designs that shine in today's competitive app market.

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